महाराष्ट्र शासन
Government of Maharashtra
जल व भूमि व्यवस्थापन संस्था
Water & Land Management Institute(WALMI)

Guest Faculty

Guest Faculty

Eminent scientists, professors and engineers from abroad and within the country are invited for sharing their field experiences in workshops, seminars and in several orientation courses related to Irrigation Water Management conducted at, WALMI, Aurangabad. This has immensely helped in developing the participant’s knowledge, attitude and practice oriented skills of water management.

Sr. No Name Of Guest Faculty Specialization
1 Dr. M A Chitale, Retd. Secretary GOI,Aurangabad Irrigation Water Management
2 Shri Chetan Pandit,C.E.(Retd.) CWC,Pune National water Policy
3 Dr. D.M.More, Tech Advisor GMIDC,Aurangabad Integrated State development plan, Maharashtra Irrigation Commission
4 Shri.S.K.Sabbinwar Superitending Engineer, WRD, Mantralaya, Mumbai MWRRA Act & Water Entitlement
5 Dr S G Bhogle,Retd. Pofessor & Head, WALMI,Aurangabad Personality Development, Communication Skill
6 Shri.V.K.Mohan, IFS ,Pune Learning Management from Nature
7 Shri. Ajay Ambekar,Director, Cultural Activity Dept.,Mantralaya, Mumbai Use of Voice For Effective Communication
8 Dr. A.V. Tejankar,Pofessor & Head, Geology Dept. Deogiri College,Aurangabad Geological Aspects for Groundwater Recharge condition
9 Shri P. L. Salve, Dy. Director,GSDA , Aurangabad Ground Water Assesment , Ground Water Recharge
10 Dr. S. T. Sangale,Professor & Head, BAM Universtiy, Aurangabad Economics
11 Shri A R Suryawanshi , Retd. Professor & Head,WALMI, Nashik Personality Development
12 Dr S. D. Gorantiwar,Professor, M P K V , Rahuri Design of Drip Irrigation System, Pipe Distribution Network
13 Shri.P.RChhabda , Retd Asso. Professor, WALMI,Aurangabad Quality of water for Fruits & Vegetable Crops Integrated soil management for Fruits & Vegetable Crops, Agro climatic zones of Maharashtra & Drought characterization, Management of Salt Affected Soil Under Sugarcane Cultivation, Physical & Chemical Properties of Soil in Relation to IWM, Estmation of reference Crop Evapotranspiration (ETo) By modified Penmen Mehtod, Irrigation Schduling Under Adequate Water availability (Soil,Crop,Climate Database)
14 Dr. R. B. Bharswadkar, Retd. Asso. Professor, WALMI Rural Sociology, Formation of Water User Associtaion , PIM In Paddy Growing Commands Progress & Prospect, Financial Aspects of WUA,Computerization of WUA
15 Shri.G.V.Vyavahare Ex.Engr WRD(Retd.)Aurangabad Water Auditing & Benchmarking, Assesment & Recovery of Water Charges, Recommendations Of MWIC(Financial Aspects Only)
16 Shri C.R. Ghushinge, Retd. E.E., WRD, Dept. Role & status of contract Management Committee CTF theory , Setting & selection of flume Performance testing & restoring canal capacity, Flow Measurement and Conveyance Efficiency
17 Shri. P. V. Mannikar, Retd. Ex. Engineer, Aurangabad Pricing of Water, Benchmarking & Water Auditing Of Irrigation Projects, Lift Irrigation Scheme, Water Laws
18 Shri. Shirish Apte, Ex. Engineer, WRD Rejuvenation of Malgujari Tanks and its Impacts, Optimization of Performance of Irrigation Projects
19 Shri S. M. Jadhav Retd. Ex. Engineer, Aurangabad Lift Irrgation
20 Shri. D. N. Dhake, Retd. Ex. Engineer, Pune Lift Irrigation
21 Shri. R. M. Pandav,Retd. Asst. Professor(WALMI), Aurangabad Drainage Engineering
22 Shri.P.V.Deshpande,Rtd Ex Engr, Pune Planning & Design of Lift Irrigation Scheme- A Case study, Experiences in Planning & Design of L I S
23 Mrs. Jyoti Ambekar, News Reader, News Collection, Doordarshan, Mumbai Use of Voice For Effective Communication, Personality Development
24 Shri S. D. More, Retd. Asst. Professor, WALMI,Aurangabad Crop Tolerance to submergence, Drought & salt.
25 Shri. R. V. Ghanavat, AE-I, IRD Pune Socio Economic Evaluation for Large LIS in western Maharashtra, Economic Evaluation of Canal Lining
26 Shri J.N.Hire AE-II,CADA,Aurangabad Past & Present Practices of P I P, Water Entitlement
27 Shri.B.A.Chivate ,A.E-II,MWRDC,Aurangabad Canal Automation,Provisions regarding O & M , Assessment & Recovery of Water Charges, Benchmarking & Water Auditing report of Maharashtra, Canal Maintenance, Walk Thru.
28 Shri. Purushottam Joshi Organic Farming
29 Shri. Govardhan Kulkarni Waghad Project Success Story
30 Shri. S. S. Kulkarni Organic Farming
31 Shri. P .G. kadam,AE-II, Pune E-Jalseva
32 Adv. Abhaya Shelkar Aurangabad RTI
33 Shri. A.. D. Mahajan,AE-II, Water Testing Lab (level-II),Auranagabad Water Quality Monitoring in Command Areas Of Maharashtra Results & Remedial Measures
34 Shri U R Apte, Consultant , Pune Distribution Network in Varve M I Tank
35 Shri S.K.Kshirsagar, Sect.Engineer Water Quality Lab.Nasik Water Quality monitoring in command areas of Maharashtra, Results & Remedial Measures Use of saline water for irrigation, Selection of Crops ,organic & inorganic amendments.
36 Shri R.A. Lengade, Sect. Engineer, CE office WRD, Aurangabad Introduction to Micro in M.S.Excel & Hands on
37 Shri. Satish Shiradakar Group Farmig