महाराष्ट्र शासन
Government of Maharashtra
जल व भूमि व्यवस्थापन संस्था
Water & Land Management Institute(WALMI)

Faculty of Social Science

Faculty of Social Science

Dr. Rajesh Puranik

Professor and Head

Dr. M.B. Narkhede

Assistant Professor

Name Designation Qualification Experience Specialization Mob. No. Email
Dr. Rajesh Puranik Professor and Head Ph.D. (Extension Education) 25 years Agri. Extn, PIM, PRA, CMT, Watershed, Livelihood Rural Development, CSR, LFA, CBO's, Water san, CLTS, SE Survey, Action Research, Evaluation Studies etc. ------- sosci@walmi.org ; rajeshpuranik@gmail.com
Dr. M.B. Narkhede Assistant Professor Ph.D. 06 years Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology, Rural Development, Natural Resource Management, WUAs, Watershed Management ------- mohanbn23@gmail.com