महाराष्ट्र शासन
Government of Maharashtra
जल व भूमि व्यवस्थापन संस्था
Water & Land Management Institute(WALMI)

About Farmer Training Cell

About Farmer Training Cell (FTC)


Training of Farmers in irrigated agriculture is an inbuilt component of WALMI Training. Earlier, a training cell for organizing farmers training was in existence which later become passive due to paucity of key person in social science faculty. An interim arrangement for conduction of Farmers Training through all faculties was made to continue the task. Recently, experiences gained by different faculties were discussed during the Syllabus Committee Meeting followed by discussions of Director General. Short comings in organization of training, coordination, nominations and paucity of attendance of farmers were key issues. Hence, it is decided to revive the farmers training cell in Social Science Faculty and restart the farmers training as was done earlier.

This approach Note is prepared for delineation of authority and responsibilities to FTC to conduct the activities as per mandate of WALMI :

The Farmer Training Cell (FTC) at the Water & Land Management Institute (WALMI) in Aurangabad shoulders several crucial responsibilities aimed at enhancing the agricultural practices and socio-economic well-being of farmers. These responsibilities include:

Objectives :

  • To organize training of farmers and women farmers on issues of Irrigation Water Management in command area of irrigation project as well as non command area (Rainfed . dry land).
  • To coordinate and establish linkages between various organizations in field viz. farmers organization (WUA’s) and government / institutions / organization.
  • To print, publish and publicize material related to irrigated agril. Land & Water Management, water conservation etc. for farmers in local / vernacular language.
  • To develop models of Community Water Management.
  • To document success stories, maintain data base, and give wider publicity to community participation, Participatory sharing of Irrigation Management etc.
  • To develop Information, Education and Communication material for farmers and identify IEC components of water resources management of various government departments.

Functions of FTC :

  • To conduct training need analysis (TNA) of farmers training.
  • To prepare five year farmers training perspective plan and develop annual training plan.
  • To organise training activities as per annual training plan.
  • To conduct all the activities for organization of training including calling of nominations, ensuring participation of farmers in desired numbers coordinate with concerned departments, make training arrangements within institute (WALMI) and outside (field) atleast 03 months before start of training.
  • To develop syllabi of training on different subjects.
  • To establish linkages between various institutions in field.
  • To conduct pre-visit to field before organizing training and share training purpose with field coordination agency.
  • To maintain data base of trainees and trainers and contact them by using SMS, Internet (e-mail) etc.
  • To develop data base of various village level institutions having direct or indirect linkages on water management.
  • To give wider publicity to farmers training.
  • To develop, print and publish relevant reading material for farmers training.
  • To conduct concurrent monitoring and evaluations of training.
  • To coordinate with TPMC for progress reporting, feed back.
  • To develop IEC plan, IEC material for farmers.

Fixing of resource persons :

As per approved course syllabi, coordinator will propose faculties for conducting training sessions. Respective Professor & Head will nominate the faculty members. In case of non availability of in house faculty member, respective faculty heads will propose the name of external resource persons and make their arrangements for conduction of lecture / training session.

Nominations :

Farmers training is cent percent subsidized activity. There are no charges for farmers who are selected for training. For nominations farmers can send their request in following manner.
  • 4.6.1. By direct application in FTC (letter, e-mail, SMS, Fax etc.).
  • By filling on line forms.
  • By forwarding application through WRD officers.
  • By sponsoring farmers to attend training.
It is important to note that farmers selected for training through these nomination methods benefit from a fully subsidized program, meaning there are no charges associated with their participation. This ensures that training opportunities are accessible to farmers from diverse socio-economic backgrounds, promoting inclusive agricultural development and empowerment.

Processing of Nominations :

Once the nominations are received in FTC, scrutiny will be done to restrict the desired no. of entries to a particular course. Principle of first come first serve will be applied for selection of trainee farmer.

Data Base :

FTC will be responsible for maintaining data base. For this purpose relevant formats will be designed by FTC for taking details of farmers like: Name, age, address, sex, class, category, BPL status, education, experience, previous training experience, and expectations from training etc. as well as for different field level organizations and institutions. FTC will be required to update and produce data to competent authority periodically by one month progress reporting as well as cumulative reporting as and when required.

Monitoring and Evaluation :

Monitoring of in house training and field training will be done during active training duration and relevant measures will be undertaken with immediate effect to maintain training quality. Evaluation of training will be carried out twice in a year. (Mid term evaluation and final evaluation). This will be done by FTC or by third party as decided by WALMI management.

Feedback :

Feedback received from farmers, or on evaluation reports will be communicated to FTC, and WALMI management to undertake corrective measures. Appropriate actions will be taken by concerned faculties / WALMI management to improve the quality of training.