Dr. Rajesh Puranik |
Professor and Head |
Ph.D. (Extension Education) |
25 years |
Agri. Extn, PIM, PRA, CMT, Watershed, Livelihood Rural Development, CSR, LFA, CBO's, Water san, CLTS, SE Survey, Action Research, Evaluation Studies, etc. |
Dr. Vijaykumar Ashruji Bodkhe |
Assistant Professor |
B.Sc. (Agri.), M.Sc. (Horticulture), Ph.D. (Horticulture) |
18 Years |
Production Technology of Horticultural Crops (Irrigation and Plant nutrient management), Computation of Eto, Estimation of Crop Water Requirement, Polyhouse Technology, Agroforestry, Natural Resource Management, Watershed Management |
Dr. Harshada Deshmukh |
Assistant Professor (Soil Science) |
M.Sc. (Agricultural Chemistry), Ph.D. (Soil Science & Agril. Chemistry) |
14 years |
Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Soil properties in relation to IWM |
Dr. Harish Hanumantrao Deshpande |
Assistant Professor (Agronomy) |
B.Sc. (Agriculture), M.Sc. (Agri) in Agronomy |
14 Years |
Agrometeorology and Agronomy of Field Crops, Irrigation Water Management of Field Crops (Advances in Estimation of ETO, NIR & CWR), Precision Agriculture and Sustainable Agriculture in Watershed Areas, Nutrient Management (Bio-Inoculants, Organic and Inorganic Sources), Economic Evaluation of Irrigation Projects, Data Analysis by using Statistical Tools |
Shri. Kishor Sandar Rathod |
Assistant Professor |
B.Sc. (Agri), M.Sc. (Agri.), Ph.D. (Pursuing) |
14 Years |
Crop Water Requirements and Irrigation Requirements, Plant Nutrition Management, Watershed Agronomy |