महाराष्ट्र शासन
Government of Maharashtra
जल व भूमि व्यवस्थापन संस्था
Water & Land Management Institute(WALMI)

Farmer Training Cell Activities

Farmer Training Cell Activities

  • To conduct training need analysis (TNA) of farmers training.
  • To prepare five year farmers training perspective plan and develop annual training plan.
  • To organise training activities as per annual training plan.
  • To conduct all the activities for organization of training including calling of nominations, ensuring participation of farmers in desired numbers coordinate with concerned departments, make training arrangements within institute (WALMI) and outside (field) atleast 03 months before start of training.
  • To develop syllabi of training on different subjects.
  • To establish linkages between various institutions in field.
  • To conduct pre-visit to field before organizing training and share training purpose with field coordination agency.
  • To maintain data base of trainees and trainers and contact them by using SMS, Internet (e-mail) etc.
  • To develop data base of various village level institutions having direct or indirect linkages on water management.
  • To give wider publicity to farmers training.
  • To develop, print and publish relevant reading material for farmers training.
  • To conduct concurrent monitoring and evaluations of training.
  • To coordinate with TPMC for progress reporting, feed back.
  • To develop IEC plan, IEC material for farmers.